Sunday, October 14, 2012

Korean Baseball

Since I have been here I have travelled to Seoul several first adventure up there was with a friend I made the previous evening through other people, and convinced me to go to a Baseball game in Seoul.  Ok, there wasn't really any convincing involved, you tell me sports, beer, and western food, and I am in!

Rockin' my support for Prince Fielder!

Before the game we wondered around Itaewon for a little while, window shopping, and eating.  We stopped to ask the information girls for help finding a decent Mexican restaurant, and they were really nice, their English was pretty good, but their opinion of a good Mexican restaurant was a little lacking.  All the ones they told us weren't open yet :(  We were able to find one that was open, and we had some half decent margeritas, and food.  The rest of my group really enjoyed their food.  I am not sure if it was because they hadn't had Mexican in such a long time or if it was really good.  I can only say that my tacos were pretty soggy.  They did however have this really cool board where people can pin up post-it notes, so of course I posted one! ( I will have to post it later because for whatever reason my phone won't pick up wifi)

The trip all in all was a total blast!  I love baseball, and to see a real Korean game was really interesting.  We saw the Kia Tigers play some other team...I sported my Prince Fielder t-shirt of course!!!  Though, I have to admit I was barely able to watch the game because I was so distracted by the fans!  They really get into choreographed cheering!  They have cheerleaders, and guys all dressed up leading songs, and they have specific songs and motions they's madness.  It was hilarious to watch my guy friends change teams they were cheering on according to which team had the prettier cheerleaders!  Needless to say their minds changed frequently.  Unfortunately the Tigers lost, but it was a great game either way.  It went all they way to 12 innings!

The greatest thing about Korean sports stadiums is that they have marts on the main level, chicken restaurants, and hotdog stands that are all extremely affordable.  You don't have to worry about spending a small fortune when attending the games like in the US.  The beer and food are the same prices as you would find anywhere else.  I don't know why they prices aren't higher, but I am certainly greatful.

After the game we went made our way back to Cheonan because we had pretty much been eating and drinking all day!  Also...I had plans to go back to Seoul the next day and visit LOTTE WORLD!

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